Saturday, April 17, 2010

Festival season

It's been very hot indeed for the past two weeks so Songkran Festival has been welcomed and enjoyed by everyone, more so than ever before. I obviously have to believe what I've heard as it's my first.

Songkran is where everyone throws water over everyone else. Dad says it's "Bloody stupid" but I think it's dead good.

We all went out in dad's new car. It has a big box on the back and is called a pick-up. I can't think why, You can't pick it up and it's too big even for my dad and he's very strong.

I wasn't allowed to sit in the back. He won't let me do anything fun. My brothers who aren't my real brothers were allowed. They had two big dustbins full of water and they threw water on everyone we passed.

The best bit was that everyone threw water back and they got lovely and wet. me and dad didn't. He was driving and I was too young.

It was no good doing a tantrum because my mum wasn't with us. Mum doesn't like tantrums so lets me have things to shut me up. Dad says "no" when I do a tantrum on him. I get sick when I scream too loud and he says "serves you right."

I don't think that's a nice thing for him to say, do you?


Dad got home very late last night. i don't know what the time was because i don't understand the clock and was asleep anyway.

I don't think he can see very well in the dark because he parked his pick-up on mum's new flower bed, exactly where he told Gary not to.

He said he'd been to watch the football at the pub. He's such a liar. He hates football. I don't, I love it. I like David Beckham and Arsenal best. I think I like Arsenal best because the name sounds rude.

Did you know that there is only one football team in all the leagues with no letters you can colour in? Like the o's in Portsmouth or the a, e's and d in Manchester United.

Shall I tell you or do you want to find out for yourself?

OK, I'll give you the answer in my next blog.

Anyway, he's asleep late today which is good. I can have a go on his 'puter without him shouting at me. I don't think mum is happy. She'd been mumbling to herself in Isaan all morning and hasn't made him coffee yet.

It was my granddad's birthday this week. He's 85 and just passed his driving test.

Dad joked that it's no use having a driving licence if you can't remember where you left the car keys. He can talk.

I hope I pass my driving test before I'm 85. Dad says I don't have to worry living in Thailand. No one has passed their driving test.

Mum's friend called round the other week. She'd just bought a pick-up and was driving it round to all her friends to teach herself how to drive.

And there's no age limit on driving a motor bike. Kop's friend is 8 years old and has a motor bike. dad says his mum and dad probably don't like him much.

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