Thursday, May 20, 2010

Words don't come easy

I can say dad now. And mum, but only do so when I want something; like my dinner.

Dad loves it when I say "dad". He says "Yes my little India Princess." It's the only time he ever says "Yes". Before I could say "dad" he could only say "No". Like when I want to see what gecko poo tastes like he'd shout "No". Or when I try to wash his cigarette lighter in his beer for him, he'd shout "No".

Now I can say "dad" he says "Yes." It's really great now I can talk.

I want to say all my words properly so's he'll understand. I know lots of words but they don't come out of my mouth the same as they start in my brain.

I say to him things like "Can you please hurry up and get off the 'puter so I can do my blog." and he'll reply, "Goo, goo, goo, to you too, you little moo."

It's so 'strating.


Dad sacked the builders for being a bloody waste of good air, and started to do mum's kitchen himself as he can do a better bloody job with one hand.

He used two anyway, and to be honest, he can't do any better. Gary came round to help him, so now we have new builders in.

They are much better than the others. and even better than my dad, though I wouldn't tell him that even if I could talk.

I like the one with only one eye. His name is Cun. Dad said; "What, is the 't' silent?" He didn't understand, and nor do I. 'T' makes a sound like all the other letters. Dad really is silly sometimes.

I like Cun because he looks like he's winking at me all the time. I wink back at him with my special wink. I use both my eyes at the same time. everyone says I look cute when I do my special wink.

Mum says I'm making sweet eyes and shouldn't , or I'll end up a butterfly, like her sister.

I like butterflies, but don't want to be one. And I certainly don't want to be like her sister.

So now I have a dilemba. How can I make Cun like me and not end up as a butterfly?

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