Sunday, June 13, 2010

Swat's that again ?

I've been fly smacking all day today. My mum just bought two new fly smackers to replace the one my brothers, who aren't my real brothers, broke.

It's only a plastic hand on the end of a plastic stick, but it's really swishy and swooshy and great for smacking things.

It tastes different to the plastic bottle tops, and they taste different to the purple plastic basket that mum bought and dad hates.

I don't expect you know that all plastic tastes different did you? well it does.

Why don't you try? Take a plastic pen or something and suck it. Now try licking your phone, or 'puter, or something.

See, what did I tell you?

I haven't been able to smack any flies yet but I did smack mum by accident. she just laughed.

I have smacked both my brothers who aren't my real brothers, but that wasn't an accident. They said "Oy!" and then they laughed too.

I tried to smack Leo, Jenny and Tiger, but they are as quick as flies.

I'm too scared to try and smack my dad.

My mum's the best fly smacker in our house. probably the best in the world. She's smacked hundreds and then she sweeps them up and puts them in the fish pond. The fish go mad and fight each other to eat them up. I can't see why, they taste yuck.

We've got lots of flies here at the moment because we live in the country, next to a field full of cow poo. Mum says it's because we are now in the rainy season. I wondered why it's been so rainy lately.

Apparently, all the flies that live in the cow poo come alive when it rains and fly around looking to have love affairs with other flies.

Human beings don't. They stay indoors when it's rainy and don't have love affairs because it's too wet.

That's why everyone looks sad when it's the rainy season.

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